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Graphs: CE7W & BR7W - Multi-Channel Elimination Filter Networks

Graph 1: Channels A5(95)-A1(99) Deletion Filter
Graph 2: Wide Adjacent Hyperband Bandstop (50 MHz stopband)
Graph 3: Channels 58-67 Hyperband Deletion Filter
Graph 4: Ultra-Wide Adjacent Bandstop (100 MHz stopband)
Graph 5: Wide Adjacent Mid-Band Bandstop (40 MHz Stopband)
Graph 6: Non-Adjoining Adjacent Hyperband Bandstop Network
Graph 7: Semi-Adjacent CATV Low Band Bandstop

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Graph 1: Channels A5(95)-A1(99) Deletion Filter

CE7-ch.A5(95)-A1(99): Channels 95-99,are located between the CATV FM band and mid-band. They can be deleted for reuse without sacrificing regular programs.

Graph: CE7-ch.A5(95)-A1(99)

Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 91.250 -58.209 A5 (95) pix
2 119.750 -55.673 A1 (99) snd
3 87.750 -3.777 6 snd
4 121.250 -4.234 14 pix
5 83.250 -1.540 6 pix
6 125.750 -1.848 14 snd
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound
* Includes 2 dB passband thru loss

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Graph 2: Wide Hyperband Adjacent Bandstop (50 MHz stopband)

CE7W-Ch. 38/45: wide stopband removes eight TV channels - 38 thru
45 (Mkr 3 to 4).

  • Stopband > 55 dB
  • Adjacent carrier loss is <3.5 dB (ref to passband level)
  • Low impact on chs 37 & 46 (Mkr 2 & 5)
  • Passband is 5 to 750 MHz
  • Passband loss: 2 dB, Ripple: 1 dB
  • Panel size for bandstop ( 8 to 10 chs) is 5.25" x 19"

Graph: CE7W-Ch. 38/45

Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 301.2500 -2.948 37 pix
2 305.750 -5.329* 37 snd
3 307.2500 -66.715 38 pix
4 353.7500 -58.846 45 snd
5 355.250 -5.404* 46 pix
6 359.750 -2.636 46 snd
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound
* Includes passband insertion loss (2 dB)

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Graph 3: Channels 58-67 Hyperband Deletion Filter

CE7-CH.58/67E: Channels 58/67 are deleted for reuse.

Graph: CE7-CH.58/67E

Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 427.250 -55.952 58 pix
2 485.750 -57.574 67 snd
3 425.750 -6.973 57 snd
4 487.250 -6.858 68 pix
5 421.250 -3.726 57 pix
6 491.750 -4.439 68 pix
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound
* Includes 2 dB passband thru loss

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Graph 4: Ultra-Wide Adjacent Bandstop (100 MHz stopband)

BR7/CE7W-Ch.17/29: wide stopband removes channels 17 thru 29
(Mkr 3 & 4)

  • This filter passes all other channels including adjacent channels 16 and 30
  • Stopband is greater than 50 dB
  • Passband optimized for low loss: 2dB, DC to 750 MHz
  • This filter network consists of "brickwall" lowpass, highpass, and low loss diplexer
  • Panel size for this filter is 7" x 19 "


Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 133.250 -2.837* 16 pix
2 137.750 -6.599* 16 snd
3 139.250 -58.822 17 pix
4 257.750 -55.432 29 snd
5 259.250 -5.560* 30 pix
6 263.750 -3.462 30 snd
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound
* Includes 2 dB passband thru loss

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Graph 5: Wide Mid-Band Adjacent Bandstop (40 MHz Stopband)

BR7W-ch. A14/G20 - stopband removes midband channels 14 thru 20 (Mkr 3 & 4)

  • This filter passes all other channels including adjacent A1 and H21 (Mkr 2, 5)
  • Passband: DC to 750 MHz, loss 2.5dB
  • This filter network consists of BR7/CE7 series - adjacent and non-adjacent bandstops
  • Panel Size: 7" x 19 "
Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 115.250 -2.25 A1 pix
2 119.750 -5.52 A1 snd
3 121.250 -69.98 14 pix
4 161.750 -57.63 20 snd
5 163.250 -5.01 21 pix
6 167.750 -1.98 21 snd
7 160.830 -55.55 20 cc
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound

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Graph 6: Non-Adjoining Hyperband Adjacent Bandstop Network

CE7-DN ch.44/80/85: stopband & passband frequency response

  • Filter network removes 3 discrete channels: 44, 80, and 85, and pass all other channels
  • Low impact on adjacents (Mkr 7 & 8)
  • Passband loss is 2dB ± .5 dB
  • Passband is optimized for best results
  • Filter network includes three single channel elimination filters (CE7)
  • Panel size of filter: 5.25" x 19"
Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 343.2500 -59.668 44 pix
2 347.7500 -56.376 44 snd
3 559.2500 -60.107 80 pix
4 563.7500 -56.838 80 snd
5 589.2500 -60.869 85 pix
6 593.7500 -55.266 85 snd
7 341.7500 -4.570* 43 snd
8 595.2500 -5.090* 86 pix
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound
* Losses include passband thru loss 1.5 dB

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Graph 7: Semi-Adjacent Ch.2 thru 6 Bandstop

CR7-2-6 LQ: stopband & passband frequency response

  • Filter removes 2 thru 6.
  • Pass return path, all other channels from 94 to 870 MHz
  • Passband loss is <2dB ± .5 dB
Mkr Freq (MHz) Attn (dB) Channel
1 55.25 -65.668 2 pix
2 87.75 -62.376 6 snd
3 46.00 -1.107 rp
4 95.00 -1.801 ch.96
Pix = Picture, Snd = Sound
* Losses include passband thru loss 1.5 dB

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